Saturday, November 04, 2006

An exercise of simplicity...

Saturday...ah, the day of respite from a week of work...I don't have to get up at 1am though the Mighty Mercy Girl is attuned to my schedule and stood over me, waiting for a sign from me...
the clock said 12:17am... she has no concept of Daylight Saving time, so to her it is 1:17am. It is the time I'd already be up, letting her out to chase night cats and Woozles, taking a shower, etc...and she has done this all week long at the earlier hour since the clocks have been switched...and even though I don't work on Saturdays, she has no concept...she just goes with her natural flow of Life...

While a little disconcerting, there is a beauty to all of we all hit natural strides, and somehow Society always has some monkey wrench that throws all into chaos for a while...instead of getting upset, I smile...first, Mercy is one of the sweetest pups on the planet....(oak leaf with green veins and colored leaf area...)
she is innocent beyond reproach...and I can't help but reach up, pet that fuzzy face, and get up and let her out anyway (she would NOT cease and decist otherwise...)...she gets to enjoy her brief romp...then I lay back down for about 30 minutes...then am up for the day...
(general coverage shot of fall foliage in the Piedmont...)
Given that at News 14 the weather department is stretched incredibly thin with various reasons for November, and that I am working Sunday for the Charlotte market...and given that I really love posting to this blog site...(golden mottled Sycamore leaves...)
I was wondering what I could talk about. Mercy loves her walks, and this morning I noticed some really cool detail fall color shots I'd like to what I thought I'd do is take pics from a typical walk with Mercy in some woods behind a local elementary school, and show you the beauty I saw walking her late this Saturday afternoon... (Ah-choo! Good ol' member of the Goldenrod family...)
...good little exercise for the photographically enjoy! 'Bout all I have to say for now, anyway...Peace. (Quercus alba in full fall color...)

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