Friday, January 12, 2007

If you do NOTHING else today, watch #1...

Keep in mind that this whole blog thing started when I 'rejoined' News 14 Carolina as an early morning meteorologist for the Triad/Greensboro region...I guess I've learned enough in life to let things flow naturally and simply 'be' what they are...while maybe I wanted to write more weather-related posts, originally, can check out my daily write-ups on the website (select TRIAD) to get my thinkings on weather. I'm thinking waaaaaay beyond that envelope in most of my blogs...

Who's kidding the old saying goes, if you want to know the forecast, just wait 15 minutes, because it will change, anyway. I'll squawk if there are mondo issues you need to know about. Otherwise, I think randomly, which is scary in its own right. Wildly unrelated thoughts course my cerebral cortex daily, and in so doing I usually feel that 'gut call' to post a certain direction by day's end...

So for today's blog I was going to share a couple of video links of today's young people that are incredible musicians...only then, through my self-inititated research, I decided to alter that a bit...and before I present today's 'thesis' I thought it best to prep the background just a wee bit...

Before my days as a TV weatherguy, and before my days as a professional studio photographer, and before my days as a Screen Actors Guild (SAG) actor...I was a teacher of young secondary minds. Still am, I suppose, just from a different angle...

Science was my bailywick. Weather. Biology. Geology. Physics. It all coursed through my veins, and still does. You've probably picked up as much from my blogs. And yet, I have this overwhelming 'drive' to show people some things that are representative of solid ideals to mimic, to help make this world a better place, to give some inspiration where it might be lacking... it is what we should all keep in mind as we do our daily Walks in Life....

The Nicholas Brothers in "Stormy Weather"

SO...instead of showing you some talented young 'uns, I was led back to a rather penultimate calling of the "Best of the Best"...and so I ask you to read just a tad more before I let videos make my point...

Do you know...or can you imagine...what it's like to teach 26 hormonal 6th-grade boys the merits of cellular biology? Do you even know what a mitochondria is and what it does? Can you imagine trying to teach these young minds how important "Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)" is to their bodies as they attempt an athletic feat of scoring proportions??? So I asked them, "Whom do you consider to be a superior, penultimate athlete...??? I got all sorts of answers, dated per the time I asked them...but as most of you well know, the 'classics' are such because they withstand the test of time. Athleticism. Prowess. Talent. Drive.......

TO THIS DAY, I am adament about my hands down "winner" of the Athleticism Award, if there were such a thing. The Nicholas Brothers. They send Michael Jordan "packing." I made it a point to entertain class discussion on sports heroes and such, and asked them to talk about the "whys" of their choices. When the dust settled, I told them of the Nicholas Brothers...and of their quintessential scene in "Stormy Weather" dancing to the famous Cab Calloway and his driving rhythms...and I showed this clip from the movie "Stormy Weather" to let the pictures speak, nay, a million words....UN-believable in every facet...Howard died in 2000, and Fayard passed on just last January 24, 2006...their merit goes far beyond mere words...Click on these links to watch captivating videos of their toe-tapping talents....

#1: "The Nicholas Brothers in "Stormy Weather"...

"The Nicholas Brothers dancing to KALAMAZOO"...

"The Nicholas Brothers dancing to CHATANOOGA CHOO-CHOO"...

...and "The Nicholas Brothers" as kids in 'Pie Pie Blackbird'"

Tap your toes, and spread the Goodness to others who can appreciate...

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