Tuesday, June 26, 2007

"Whadda YOU Lookin' At???!!!"

Good 3-letter word for Scrabble, Emu. So are geologic terms like erg and reg, but I digress.

Here in North Carolina we are stuck in yet another repetittive weather pattern, with days upon days of muggy, hot air that fire up afternoon thunderstorms, many of which get attitudes and become sev
ere, wreaking havoc into the nighttime hours...in itself it's not a problem, but it is seriously curtailing my outdoor flute work, and forcing our late-day weather shifters to wear themselves to the bone with live coverage of the severe cells.

I should also add that my odd sleeping hours have been rather disrupted by the celestial rumblings, as well, and one overnight threat for severe had me go into work at 1am. All in a day's work, but a solid period of sleep has been a tad difficult to come by of late.

I do have a pic set of one of my block projects...the finished shots with the flute will have to wait as I'm held up in the finishing
department because of the weather...I decided to take the time to take pieces of wood and using their natural shape to make a unique flute block. It's like a mini-sculpture in itself, and arguably takes way too much time to complete. But in the same breath I can say it's also satisfying to do it. I cut roughly a third of the manzanita burl off and have made an even neater block of a whale coming out of the water breaching...those pics coming soon...

(per usual, click on pics to enlarge)

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