Monday, February 25, 2008

"Heal-All" knows all...

Move over, Puxatawny Phil. Spring is not forecast by a human-contrived publicity stunt. But several things let you know the growing season is slowly gearing up for the rites of spring.

No, the flocks of robins aren't back just yet...but as I put the trash out on the curb late yesterday, I realized I could almost argue cutting my grass. Well, 'grass' is putting it loosely...maybe 'yard' is more like it as I have all kinds of 'yardy' things growing it, of which grass is not overwhelmingly dominant. There is one plant that is off to the races though....

Prunella. Heal-All. Self-Heal.
Prunella vulagaris, et al.

It's a feisty-growing ground cover, Prunella, and it's little purple blossoms and greenery are welcome colors on these oft gray winter days. Medicinally this genus has been used as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and it's also been touted as an immune system stimulant. Good reasons it has common names like those listed above, huh?

The other interesting little tidbit is that Prunella is a member of the mint family, which has one very distinguishing characteristic easily tested: the stems are square, not round.

No doubt you have some in your yard or in a nearby lot. Roll the stem between your fingers and you'll feel it right away. Now, that's not to say these leaves go great in tea - far from it. They're a tad on the bitter side, but are safe to put in salads if you want a little different taste...and maybe pick up some salubrious benefits on the side.


No, I'm not delusional. It's February. We still have excellent opportunities for wintry slaps upside the head. But it sure was comforting if but for a second to stop, silently observe, and thank those plants for their little gifts.


Anonymous said...

"Wintry slaps upside the head", now that was funny, Bob. That would be good to use on air, if you haven't done it. Beautiful pictures on the blog, too.

Bob Child said...

Thanks, Lori - oh, you'd be amazed the things I've said on air! The older I get the more I don't mentally check myself as quickly, so it's a hoot for the Triad folks that keep a list of the strange things I come up with! At least I haven't said anything to get me fired, yet!
