Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spring pics and thoughts

As the old saying goes, "NOW we're cookin' with gas!"

Beautiful day, yesterday...more of the same today, even warmer than the 71/72 degrees had in Greensboro, Charlotte, and Raleigh. I grabbed my camera as I went to take Mercy to the park for her daily traipse, and just took some snaps of neighborhood trees and the first wildflowers up in the woods where we walk.

(click on pics to enlarge)

Leaves are already starting to sprout quickly...this magical greening is like paint flowing down a canvas in its steadiness. These little Smooth Yellow Violet is soaking up the rays before the leaves block out its highway of sunshine...

...and these streamside violets were just a little too far down the steep bank for me to get closer, but I appreciated their regal color...

The two maples below are in the front yard...the first a Red Maple, the second and next to it, a Silver Maple...

...and speaking of maples, this is a trunk to a Sugar Maple that Mercy and I pass on our walk...and woodworkers can only drool and dream of what the wood cut from this trunk would look like. See all the knots all over the trunk? That translates into, more than likely, intense figuring, curls, and wavy burls in the grain. If that puppy ever comes down in a storm, I'm going to volunteer to the Parks and Rec department to help 'dispose' of it!

"If spring came but once a century
instead of once a year,
or burst forth with the sound of an earthquake
and not in silence,
what wonder and expectation there would be in all hearts
to behold the miraculous change."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

In all, the above picture sums yesterday up: it was a grate day. Mercy firmly believes that below every single one of these openings there live gollywogs and scrumpdoodles. She'll be checking it out today, too, without fail, and maybe...just maybe...


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