Friday, March 07, 2008

"Fried Fridays: Unforgettable quotes"

Speaking of things 'Fried' (or soon to be), I found this picture by happenstance on Flickr (photo credit: Ariel Bariel Long). It's exactly the type of thing my mind would think of and scene I would create and photograph myself...but it was done so well already that credit goes where it's due...

(click to enlarge)

That's eggs-actly the type of picture that makes me laugh. Cracked me up. May it help you keep your 'sunny side up'...and please don't take this too seriously, as it's only a yolk...I got a dozen of 'em, I tell ya!...or had...

Okay, so I'm a bit scrambled in the belfry, myself. But ya just gotta love crazy quotes people make now and then. I can remember many years ago when UCLA was a basketball powerhouse, and they just won a major game, maybe the NCAA tournament. There, live on national TV, a national sportscaster interviewed a player who later went on to professional fame but whose name escapes me to this day...the question was posed about what basketball meant to him in his life (you know, one of those asanine 'DUH!' questions...), and the player said, in all earnestness:

"If it wasn't for basketball, I don't know what I would've did."

And you think we have educational issues now...

The things that slip out of our esteemed producer John had earlier sent me a link of a printed quote worthy of a "Fried Fridays" award. The sad thing was not only was it was said, but that it was recorded, and not only recorded but written up...and then reprinted for all the world to see:

I hear ya, Debra. On any given day you'll find me in gym shorts and some well-worn t-shirt when I'm not in my monkey suit forecasting weather. But if I have to make a WalMart run on my way home, you'd better believe I'm going to wear actual shorts and just maybe a collared shirt....or at the very least a t-shirt that doesn't have glue and paint stains all over it.

Yep, I don't wan't anyone to recognize me and think "Oh my! Doesn't he look deplorable!", and it could well happen at one of America's established super-Mecca's. Even wearing a low-slung baseball cap might not be enough of a protective umbrella if I'm dressed in such plebeian manner...

I'm just glad someone else feels my fashion-pain and resulting self-consciousness...

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