Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"Reading To The Kidlets, Today..."

Today is "National Young Author's Day" at a local elementary school, and I was asked to come read a book after work...it is the type of effort that is worth every ounce and then some, especially when you see the smiling faces light up. In this case, these are second graders, and I'd previously talked to all of them about weather as well as my flutes. What do you think they remembered most about my hour-long discourse that fall day? Why of course, the fact that I played one of my little flutes with my nose...!

The book I'm reading is "When Charlie McButton Lost Power", by Suzanne Collins and Mike Lester:

As well, for today, the kids were to choose a word from a pre-designed list and dress up for school in a way that is in the spirit of their chosen word...all to help them expand their vocabulary as they interact with others. With my coming to read, I, too, chose a word that I could represent well....and so I will dress up and wear my 2-piece sign, with the cover flap reading:

Keep in mind I'm no small petunia at 6' 4" and decidedly way beyond 200 pounds. In moving east from Rapid City, South Dakota, I still had my deep winter boots that failed to sell at various yard sales, and I figured they were worth hanging on to, just in case some historical winter storm beset me back east. The picture below does not do justice to the expanse of these boots, even though I put a Splenda packet in for scale. OK, ya got me, I'll have to admit...yes, I am a veritable fashion plate in these boots, shorts and a big coat. Guilty as charged. The kids and faculty will simply have to deal with it today.

Oh, lest I forget...the word I am embodying is.....

Personally, I think it's rather appropriate. So if you think I'm all about weather forecasts and Native American style flutes, think again. When I say I have a lot of irons in the fire, take my word for it. As the old saying goes, "Anything worth doing is worth doing well."


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