Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Strange sugar-fixes ahead...

(not that you want to, but you can click on pics to enlarge 'em)

Junk mail...plenty of it around, and with the holidays snooping ahead of the bend, I'm sure it will be on the rise sooner as opposed to later. And so came a catalog geared toward party favors and the like, with an emphasis on Halloween. To give you a taste of how candy has changed, I selected a few of the more, uh, 'different' selections I don't remember as a kid...

Complete with tread marks and bulging eyeballs...

If you give these away, are you an organ donor?...

"Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears!..."

There's a better picture of the eyeballs on the top of the cover shot up top...Londoners say those "Flesh Fries" taste bloody good..

...I'm sure they will...

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