Friday, November 13, 2009

"Fried Fridays: Up, up, and awaaaaay....!"

It's been a tough week in the news department, given Fort Hood and other shoot-em-up scenes that took place daily. Gun advocates say people, not guns, kill people...cut that apple anyway you want, we still have a greatly screwed up situation within American society in particular when it comes to guns, how we get 'em, and how we use 'em.

To turn the tables, I felt led to float this "Fried Fridays" story by you...

You'll get a rise out it...

People getting high naturally...

Truly uplifting...

And I'm not just blowing hot air....


Ah, what love makes people do. The quintessential marriage proposal is oft a story told and retold through the years, probably getting embellished with a nice patina after a while. It's all good. Many want to make that moment truly unforgettable.

James Ng is a young Ohio pastor, and had found that 'one' he wanted to marry and grow old with. He invited Sonya Bostic to join him for an October 29 balloon ride...but not just any balloon ride.

Overlooking the pastoral Ohio countryside, James was all prepared to surprise Sonya with his marriage proposal, presenting her with a piece of highly compressed coal on a ring he'd hidden in his small camera bag. I have no doubt the jitters were abounding, especially given the nature of the outing. After all, there wasn't a whole lot between their feet and terra firma except hundreds of feet of free-falling freedom.

Before that magical moment arrived, the bent knee and all, James became a basket case...literally. At some point in the balloon ride, James saw his life flash before his eyes...

(cue theme song to "Chariots of Fire"...
the following action in ultra-slow motion...)

James accidentally dropped the camera bag overboard.

Not exactly the type of situation where you can turn the car around or retrace your steps. Not to waste a good balloon ride, James did the knee thing and proposed, pretty embarrassed explaining why he didn't have the ring at that moment.

It took a week of forays into West Branch State Park east of Akron, but, believe it or not, the couple did manage to find the camera bag...with the engagement ring safely tucked inside.

Another marriage proposal story for the ages...lest I forget, Sonya did say 'YES!', although you have to wonder if she didn't tag the affirmation with 'you idiot!' or 'Butterfingers!'

As an aside, you know why hot-air balloon rides continually get more expensive, don't you? Inflation.

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