Monday, July 23, 2007

"Two More Denizens To Share...And A Baby Update!"

As if I didn't shoot and share enough "Denizens of the Daisies" with you two weeks ago, I did get a couple of more that are worth a look and admission to the grouping.

First up is a spider I've not really seen the likes of, not up close anyway...revealing 'spikes' and spots all over the legs, munching on a common house away, my friend, eat away!

Next, the patterning on this butterfly looks like it has been air-brushed on...couldn't resist throwing in the secondary shot with the daisies in the background either. As always, you can click on any pic to enlarge it for better viewing and detail.


Mom is flying up today to lend an experienced helping hand with her newborn grandchildren up in Massachusetts. "Floyd and Eunice", aka William and Ellen Grace, are doing swimmingly. I can only imagine the innate connection twins have...

I would love to get up there myself, but our hands are greatly tied at work for the next couple of months. We just got the August schedule which reflects the absence of Jess Torpey, my former compatriot AM meteorologist in Raleigh who left a week ago for a private sector job. As yet, not a public peep from management on a replacement after 6 weeks of 'looking'. And with that I'll sign off before brutal honesty takes over...hope you are enjoying this incredibly dry and cooler weather!


Anonymous said...

Cool spider!!
..... nature is just amazing and awe-inspiring, isn't it ..... something fresh and new every moment of every day, if we have eyes to "hear" and ears to "see" it, and a mind and heart to seek it in the first place .....

And LOVE the babies snuggled on each other!! TOO CUTE!!

Suzy :)

Anonymous said...

The daughter of my friend who takes me to our Bible Study meeting on Sunday had to take a spider out of her hair. She said it was green. I'll have to show her this pic to see if it was the same kind.
The baby pics were very sweet and cute.
I hope they find a replacement soon at the station, so you won't have to work so much. Lori

Bob Child said...

Thanks folks - glad you like the pics. I'm sure there will be a steady flow of "The Twins" from here on out...all the world loves babies. The more I take pictures close-up, the more I'm left marveling at the exquisite perfection of Nature. I'm one of those who if they see a spider inside will let it go on its way or carefully transfer it to a nice plant outside. Mosquitos I flatten, however!