Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'm sorta bugged...

Been a bit of a stomach virus going around and it acted like it wanted to get a hold of me yesterday. No energy, stomach cramps, a bloated feeling, minimal hunger...I needed Midol for Men in a big way.

And so, as you can tell from the time stamp of this post, it was also yet another night where I can't seem to sleep much past midnight (well, I do lay down around 730p-8p, so I get my gratuitous 5 hours in before tossing endlessly), and still not feeling up to snuff. Thought I'd go to the humor well and share some chuckles with you today. Looks like some gorgeous calm weather moving into (most) of the Carolinas...enjoy!


Reminds me of a joke where this person was helping build a house, and his partner was making much more headway nailing boards up...when the partner came to watch what his friend was doing, he noticed he was lining up the flat head and striking the pointed end with the hammer. "No wonder you're going so slow!!! Those nails are for the other side of the house!"....

While we're on construction techniques...

Rule #1 in construction (ok, rule # whatever): "Measure twice, cut once." Unless you're having a bad confidence day and you measure so many times that you end up making no cuts because you start confusing yourself...having pens and pencils handy are key, even if you have to write on the wood...

Would that be a blogspot? While we've momentarily gone to the dogs, this one is cute...

Have you seen the price of those legs lately? Gone through the 'ruff', thanks to inflation...

"Man, look at that S-Car go!"...

Speaking of 'man', I maintain the ability to laugh at myself when I see something like this:


You will find this either very difficult or fairly easy. In this picture below, your job is to find the hidden tiger. It's there. I'll post the 'answer' at the end of tomorrow's "Fried Fridays" column.

Good luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cartoons were very funny and I found the hidden tiger. Sorry you are not feeling well. Best thing for stomach virus or other types of upset stomach is Celestial Seasonings Honey Vanilla Chamomile Tea. For Sinuses-Pepperment Tea from the same company. Hope you feel better soon.