Thursday, October 12, 2006

"Can you hear me now?...."

Looks like they're all ears to hear of the impending forecast changes...are you? If you can't, maybe you should quote Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: "Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears..." Sorry 'bout that one, Willie.

(Since Shakespeare was famous for his 'aside' stage lines, I might as well add mine herein. On my first drive through Custer State Park in the Black Hills of western South Dakota late in 2004, I came across many incredible scenes and wildlife. Being that it was late in the fall, tourists were long gone, and the roadways empty...just the pups and I cruising slowly in the silent, wintry feeling air with the windows down...rounding a bend only to find a couple of the park's 30 or so wild burros standing in the middle of the road, watching wide-eyed. My dogs didn't know what to think other than those were 2 very strange looking dogs...)

This particular weather system has been jumping around in virtually every model run the past couple of days....oh, it'll be like this...then, no, it'll do that....then, oh, it'll do this and then cause such and such to happen. Might as well close my eyes and throw the dart at the forecast board and go with what I hit. (You do know that's how we forecast, right?) The concensus remains that Friday will be chilly on both ends, and Saturday's lows will be in the 30s with highs barely above 60...good ol' fall weather.

The one kinda sorta change is that the second front that was supposed to plow through will be dismantling in some respects before it arrives, which means less windy conditions as it passes through and, just maybe, slightly warmer temperatures by a couple of degrees. The really strong wind fields will be further north toward the center of the driving low pressure, and potential problems for airports with runway configurations, etc. Chicago, Detroit, over to Boston, all will be looking at increasingly windy conditions through today and into Friday, of winds gusting to or above 30mph.

Still, another kiss of fall is fast approaching, which means altering our wardrobe concerns yet again.
So what else is new...
! Highs in the low 60s Friday and Saturday...lows Saturday flirting with frost in outlying Triad locations to the west nearer the mountains.

And you know what it means when we get frost on the pumpkins, don't you? Yep, it means it's definitely a cold morning...

Peace to all y'all...

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