Monday, October 30, 2006

Where did October go???

This seems to be that quintessential time of year where the general flow of life eats its Wheaties for breakfast and flows like a 6-legged jackalope toward the gamut of year-ending holidays. And there is no slowin' that critter down, either. Throw in any personal monkey wrenches into your mix and all you can do is be like the professional rafter and point your feet downstream and cover your head for potential collisions with rocks! Yeeeee-haaaaaw!

The double-entendre goes for our forecast, as well, here in the Carolina Piedmont: Sunny and 70s, and calm as a sleeping sloth. I just feel sorry for the kids that will be dressed as Ewoks or gorillas...maybe we should be prepared to handout bottles of water instead of candy...

And I am preparing to get out of the sling as soon as I can get some sideways movement from the shoulder...hopefully in a couple of days. Been pouring in the baby powder lately to battle to copious sweat that can't soak into the impermeable foam fabric...not to mention it goes nicely on the navy suit, dontcha think???!!!!

Sorry for the lack of photos for today...have some funny ones appropriate to tomorrow I'll be posting, so check in for those. And I will start throwing out some of the weather info I picked up in Cleveland you might find of interest...

I'll be starting with the changes ahead (starting February 1) with a modified tornado classification scale...instead of the Fujita (F) scale, it will officially become the Enhanced Fujita (EF) scale...still a 0-5 scale, but estimated wind speeds based on more precise damage verification will be utilized, and will change some classifications as we move forward.

Too much excitement, I let your heart quit racing, take a deep breath, and enjoy your day!

Peace, y'all....

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