Thursday, April 24, 2008

Some things to ponder...

A man was walking by a construction site, and saw three brick masons hard at work. He went up to the first one and asked him what he was doing.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm laying brick!"

He went on down to the next mason and repeated his question.

"Earning a living," he replied as he cut his cement.

The man went on down to the third and again asked him what he was doing.

"Building a cathedral."


It's all about how you look at things, Life. Attitude. Perception. Thoughts and intentions. They go a long way, one way or the other, and each of us has the complete power to control them. The old saying said "you are what you eat", but much more importantly "you are what you think." If you think the world is out to get you, get ready, because the world will be out to get you. If you think you'll never have enough money, you'll never have enough money. Changing self-fulfilling prophecies begins with changing your thoughts and core beliefs. Answers come from within, not from somebody else.

The cartoon was just in the paper recently, and it made me chuckle. So many people search and wander outside of themselves for answers, inspirations, 'fixes', and whether by ignorance or fear don't go to the source. Takes a lot of courage sometimes to look deep within, doesn't it. I'm pretty sure we can all relate.

Some people will see a glass as half full.

Others will see a glass as half empty.

Moms see it as a sign that someone was too lazy to take the glass to the sink.

Take the time to look at today's elephants from all just might have the ol' proverbial light bulb go off...

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