Thursday, November 09, 2006

"Be vewy, vewy qwuiet....."

"I'm hunting dat waskally well as some Atwantic huwwicanes!"

Keep huntin', Elmer...your chances of finding that lagomorph are far greater than finding the mythical Loch Atlantic hurricane these days...

(Map of the 2006 tropical tracks)

The potentially fiesty 2006 Atlantic hurricane season, now in its final month, is ending with no fanfare in any shape or form. As my junior high football coach used to say, "Big tent, no show!" Since noone wants destruction to property or casualties, we are all glad it has been quiet, with a majority of storms having spent their days out at sea and never near land.

El Nino is certainly starting to kick in its two cents worth, developing a strong southerly jet stream that is in full command of Meso-America and its northern latitudes. I can't imagine that there will be any more tropical development this season unless far, far to the east.

With that said, El Nino opens up another can of lentil soup that we need to digest in considering implications to our winter weather outlook here in the Southeast...but let's let that one simmer in the crock pot another few days. Today is my Friday, so will most likely keep my posts on the non-weather note until Monday.

Enjoy the un-November-like weather through Saturday...certainly is great weather to go topless...

Aw, c'mon! I meant if you have a convertible!

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