Monday, November 27, 2006

"Enjoy ALL while you can..."

I'm really not trying to sound trite and paraphrase Mark Twain, you can be certain of only two things in life: death and taxes. Anything can happen at anytime and not necessarily for any apparent reason. In the snap of a finger, something that thrived can be extinguised...something that went one direction wildy can turn in an opposite one.

Most of us 2-leggeds have a deep need to 'understand' why certain things occur, and in large part religions around the world had their start when more primitive civilizations wanted to explain natural disasters and Life's disasters, among other things...they created belief systems that in their own way provided some semblance of answers when none were readily available.

And so I pen this post more for things to ponder, thanks to a bizarre weekend
'happening.' Telling you the details would serve no purpose; however, my myriad after-thoughts became the genesis of these mental notes I felt moved to write for you today.

Each of us has our own Journey, and what one thinks and does is independent of what another thinks and does...but we have a responsibility to help others along our own Paths, and allow others to be on their Path...being connected and One while allowing differences...

These poinsettia shots just 'happened.' I decided to take the day and drive to Mom's Saturday, have lunch with family, see a couple of friends... when I went into mom's living room, most drapes still drawn from the night, a specular shaft of early morning sunlight came through an opening and landed directly on this beautiful variegated variety.

It begged to be recorded, I offer these simple gifts to you today, gifts which surround us every day...take the time and see the beauty of simple details...light and shadows are awesome artists when they collaborate. Revel in the simple visual symphony that contrasts starkly to the complexity of life's daily is wonderful therapy. Be willing to just turn your brain off for a moment and 'be' with a beautiful sight or moment...that is the core of meditiation, to release the thinking human mind and allow your Spiritual Essence to flow into fullness, even if for a moment.

The day began strangely enough, Sunday...sunny, bright, chilly...that's not strange, of course, but as I scraped the morn's frost from the windshield to take Mercy for a walk, there was a cacophanous roar from about 25 crows directly behind the house. I knew they were upset over another animal, which I figured was one of the 2 red-tail hawks that frequent the deep woods there. Heard one hawk's call, in fact, but far away...and it came closer...and closer...and the female (distinctly larger than males, in hawkdom) landed in the neighboring tree just 20-30 feet from the crows...and the crows ignored the hawk.

Trust me, that is beyond bizarre that crows would ignore an incoming hawk that lands with them, in essence. The din continued. Something was awry...

In going through the house and onto the back deck, I knew I would realize what was upsetting the crows so. I opened the door...the hawk flew...the crows flew...and, lastly, a massive Great Horned Owl flew right behind them. Ah, THERE was the Source. No pic of the impressive owl and its 4-5 foot wingspan...too quick. But I have these two pics of my red-tail buddy I've talked about in prior posts.

I believe there are no coincidences in life. After some events that soon transpired, it came full circle in my face the veracity of that belief. So the weekend ended on a strange, almost out-of-body experience that caused an immediate stoppage of mental and physical wheels...I have no answers, yet I understand how, when the unexplainable happens, we want to use the rational mind to explain the situation. You can't. It's like asking an orange to describe an apple...they don't naturally coexist. What to do? Well, we can move on and try to make some sense of it... or stop and swirl in an emotional's a personal choice noone decides for us unless we give them that power.

Folks, Life Happens. Keep a steady keel, be willing to know that you won't know everything you may want to know, especially at crucial times...and more importantly, be willing to accept that fact and keep on keepin' on. The train doesn't stop at the station for very long.

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