Saturday, December 09, 2006

Jack Frost bit us in the butt...

Just a quick note as I'll be out of town and not posting again until early Monday morning. Talk about your cold and frosty start to the day! I think Charlotte set a new record low of 14...ouch.

Of course, in all the cold is real beauty in the form of frost on the leaves as well as the large crystals on my car windows this morning, hence a few pics I took I felt like sharing.

Had to run by the station this morning and took the wrong road in...forgot all about a big running event being the classic wrong place at the wrong time! But I got to see some real characters jog by, and Mercy never could figure out what was going on.

I think the best was a guy jogging with a Fender electric guitar with a small amp clipped around his waist, playing Jimi Hendrix Christmas carols...go figure...all I know is I do well if I can just jog my memory....

Enjoy the warming weekend!!!

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