Wednesday, February 28, 2007

"Some Food For Thought..."

I just had to take a picture of last night's dinner...I never use any sense of a recipe, just throw stuff in, but take my word for it: it was as tasty as it was colorful! Bought a wok at Wally World a few weeks ago to do more stirfry...the only mildly time consuming thing is cutting everything up...but it really is quick and easy. Between this and steaming veggies, it's an effort to create healthier eating habits, which are rent assunder with my wacked work hours.

What's fun is you can always mix it up (OK, pun intended) and create different combinations and flavors. Last night I started with a mixture of olive oil, low-sodium soy sauce, lemon juice and a heap o' freshly ground ginger...what a wonderful additive, ginger...let it simmer together (the aromas!) and then added some chicken. I like two things about a fast it heats up and cooks things (you don't want to overcook it, anyway), and the fact that you clean up with only water (otherwise you mess up the wok's seasoning).

Sweet red peppers... carrots... celery... brocolli... sugar peas... a little cabbage for good measure... and once I put it on the plate, I layered fresh spinach leaves over the pile to steam it lightly... to coin a familial phrase shared between my mom and her sister, it was "goodie de shtuffy"!!! And there are so many other things you can add and use in different combinations like water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, snow peas, bok choy, not to mention the variety of spices.

It's amazing, too, how long the jumbo bags of veggies have trip to Costco or Sam's Club and you're set for a long haul. Organic is even better. Word of caution: better clean out your refrigerator to make room for all the bags!

Fresh veggies. In this world of chemical this and processed that, do your body a favor and give it a regular dose of Nature's bounty, cooked just enough to where it still has it's fresh crunch. Your body will thank you for it...and will thank you more if you don't put a piece of key lime pie on top of it!

And what is on tomorrow's menu? I do believe it's time for my weekly "Travelogue" blog entry...and tomorrow's destination will be...

The North Unit of Roosevelt National Park
The Badlands of North Dakota.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob

that looks yummy!!!! thanks for sharing, feel free to share more ideas if you like !!