Friday, February 16, 2007

"WARNING: Really Bad Humor Ahead..."

There I was Thursday evening, drawin' blanks for the blog...for whatever reason, just more tired than usual and, brain-wise, running on empty.

Lucky for me, my auto-default in life is humor. In no particular order and with no anticipated meaning or direction, I will aimlessly throw these random pictures with thoughts/comments that came to mind...and you only thought you knew how strangely my mind works...

For example, this picture, which could pass for how I feel at the moment...

(Thank God I'm Furry!)

Life is like a beaver - it's one dam thing after another...

This cartoon is dedicated to those in the upper Midwest for their bitter temperatures...

"I'll take 'Places You Don't Want To Be' for $600, Alex..." new meaning to the "Cycle of Life"...

I'll gladly call hunting a 'sport' once animals can arm themselves and shoot back.

Hot dog, I've saved the best for last!

"Envelope, please...and the 'weiner' is..."

You'll 'relish' these 'buns' about it...

As far as I'm concerned, they 'cut the mustard'...(which is better than 'cut the cheese', I suppose)...

(...and you're already trying to play "ketchup"...)

Don't you love my 'frank' commentary?

Don't worry...I don't have anything 'furter' to add...

...I guess that's the long and short of it for now...


Anonymous said...

Hi Bob,

very, very, cute !! what a pleasant way to end the week, enjoy your weekend, love your blog !!

Bob Child said...

Merci, bucketsfull! You as well!

Anonymous said...

Oh thanks, Bob --- I so needed the laugh(s) today! :)
And humor (however it comes!) is SUCH a stress-buster!

I especially like the "twisted Jeopardy" caption and pic!

Suzy :)

Bob Child said...

I've got a sneaking suspicion that down the road there will blog-sequals to this one (gosh, all this newly created jargon!}. I have already had this idea of posting photographs and giving them only one-word captions...hmmm. Monday's post SHOULD be the flute with the 'reclaimed' piece of cedar used for the block...